Welcome to our online store! CANDLES ALL DAY was created by Courtney Hammond, a mother and wife, who loved Beeswax Candles and Essential Oils gifts. "When I first got pregnant, I began reading about all of the toxic chemicals that were in a lot of my everyday products and the candle industry. I was horrified and disappointed that I had been using these products for so long and started swapping them for non-toxic items. My heart is to create products, fragrances and candles that are non-toxic, comforting, and create a peaceful atmosphere in your home. Beeswax candles specifically were a heartwarming and hopeful gift for me during sorrowful and joyful times of my life. I want to make products that moms can feel good about and gifts that are thoughtful and helpful."

It starts with Purity.

Our beeswax candles are hand made

with pure triple filtered beeswax.

Zero additives.

No added fragrances.

So you can breathe easy!